Hi all!

This is a space where I will share some of my experiences in EDCI 336, and particularly my free and tech inquiry projects.

I am hoping that this site develops over my journey here at the University of Victoria where I am studying to teach social studies.

I had a varied educational experience growing up, and spent time all over North America.  Although I was born in Canada to Canadian parents, I went to elementary school in Phoenix. Arizona, and my family moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado for my middle and high school years.  After graduating, I completed my undergraduate degree in Sociology at the University of British Columbia, where I wrote an honours thesis which investigated sexual assault on campus.  I also co-founded a student group which encouraged men to get involved in feminism and work towards gender equality.  After my time at UBC, I did my Master’s degree the University of Alberta, where my research applied social theory to coaching practices in university team sport.  During my time at the U of A, I also worked for Special Olympics Alberta, a sport organization which facilitated sport opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities.  I believe that these diverse environments and experiences have given me a unique perspective which I hope to use as a benefit to my future students and promote an environment of inclusivity.

I have a variety of personal interests including spending time outdoors, all sports (but particularly basketball), and playing guitar (poorly).

Thanks for checking out my space!